Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Papa at Mass

Since I have 2 little granddaughters who are most social, I sit with them and their parents in the cry room at church. Abbi is 2 1/2 yr old and Mackayla is 18 months old. Abbi cruises around visiting with her "friends" and it's impossible to corral this little social butterfly. Since her Papa is a deacon at the masses we attend, she will often wave to her Papa and say "hi" even though he is on the other side of the church at the altar unable to hear her. It's always a surprise to hear Abbi's comments about her observations of what Papa is doing during mass. One day she noted "Papa is wearing purple", another day when he was carrying the book of Gospels in the entrance procession Abbi commented "Papa is hiding". She plays with her cousin Mackayla and wanders the cry room, occasionally looking out the window checking on Papa. At the end of mass she observed "Papa is drinking coffee" when he was cleaning the sacred vessels after communion. When I told her he wasn't drinking coffee, she asked "what is it"? I thought my answer "the precious wine" was all the little one could comprehend. When Deacon Papa was kneeling during the Epiclesis, Abbi observed "Papa is hiding". When she looked out again and saw him standing she commented "Papa not hiding anymore." Bringing toddlers and young children to mass is challenging. We are thankful for the cry room where everyone understands the antics of the wee ones. I do hope the parents making the effort to get to Sunday Mass receive lots of extra graces and blessings! They are most deserving!

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